What We Do

What We Do
Financial Planning

A financial plan is more than just an investment strategy. Sound planning principles involve the big picture: analyzing estate taxes, income…

Investment Tax Planning

An investment tax strategy is not just about writing the government a cheque; it can be a deeply involved process that considers many different variables.

Retirement Planning

About half of Canadians hope to retire before age 60, but hope is not a plan. What is your retirement plan? Find out about the seven key strategies for…

Portfolio Analysis

Do you know what your asset allocation is? If not, it’s time for a portfolio analysis. The amount of equities, fixed-income investments, and cash…

Estate Planning

Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Even for small estates, proper planning can save thousands of dollars. What is a “deemed disposition tax?”…

Insurance Analysis

Insurance is very easy to ignore, but the rewards of protecting yourself can be enormous during a crisis. Your insurance needs depend on…

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Online Insurance Quotes

Millions of Canadians are without adequate insurance.
Use these online tools to learn more about affordable MANULIFE insurance solutions.