When investigating career opportunities and plotting a career path, the best place to start is to record your goals and objectives.Y
Once you have listed off your most important career goals and objectives, make sure to review the list periodically.
Career planning is an ongoing development process through which individuals attempt to understand their personal, family, school, work, and community experiences in relation to their career and lifestyle choices.
Research has shown that workers of all kinds entering the work force today can expect to experience 4 to 5 career changes in their working life due to changing technological and societal expectations.
Individuals must continuously upgrade their skills and knowledge in order keep pace with the ever changing marketplace. Decisions made early in life largely determine life and work choices for the future. This represents a major challenge for the youth who must make these decisions and to the parents who must guide and support the decision-making process.
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Life and health insurance products are provided by Stephen Cox through Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network. Life and health insurance products and services are not available through Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. (DFS Investments) nor are the insurance plans or services available and/or offered, supervised or reviewed by DFS Investments. DFS Investments is the mutual fund dealer through which mutual fund products and services are provided.