Life Planning

Life Planning


When investigating career opportunities and plotting a career path, the best place to start is to record your goals and objectives. Once you have listed…

Leaving Home

Many people will eventually leave the home they grew up in and find a home of their own. However, everyone is different. Some people leave home when…


As parents, it’s our job to launch our kids successfully into adulthood, and few things could be more important than teaching them how to manage…

Power of Attorney

Why do you need a Power of Attorney? What if you were in a coma, or otherwise incapacitated such that you were unable to communicate? Or struck…

Dealing with a Death

Besides the financial ramifications of a person’s death, dealing with all the administrative details and paperwork can be very stressful for…


For most Canadians, retirement is a major financial goal that requires considerable financial commitment. 49% of Canadians hope to retire…


Approximately 1 in 8 Canadians live with disabilities, and many enjoy healthy independent lives. Often, people with disabilities or their…


Working for yourself has many great rewards. It also comes with huge challenges. Starting your own business is more than having a good idea or…


For most people, a divorce causes severe emotional trauma. The process of separating lives and possessions often leaves a long-lasting impact that…


Employment Insurance provides temporary financial assistance for unemployed Canadians while they look for work or upgrade their skills…


Every parent knows that time, love, care and support are the best investments they can make in a child. The Federal Government has created an excellent…

Using Credit

Buying on credit is easy. It’s convenient. It is also expensive. Before you buy anything on credit, consider your purchase carefully. Ask yourself if you…


Eldercare is a journey. The first step is gathering information. Care giving for an aging parent, spouse, domestic partner or close friend presents…


A will is a written document, properly signed, which: (1)specifies who is to administer the estate (the executor), (2) specifies what is to happen with the…

Home Ownership

Buying a home is often viewed as the single most significant financial event in the life of a Canadian family. Because a mortgage is by far the largest…

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Online Insurance Quotes

Millions of Canadians are without adequate insurance.
Use these online tools to learn more about affordable MANULIFE insurance solutions.


Join My Newsletter

My Actualis newsletter provides you with interesting information relevant to your financial situation. In it you will find a variety of articles summarizing current industry news and trends, in addition to useful tips to help you define your real needs and better understand the financial solutions available to you.

Online Insurance Quotes

Millions of Canadians are without adequate insurance.
Use these online tools to learn more about affordable MANULIFE insurance solutions.


You are more experienced now, your bank…

If you are just starting out, it’s easy to…

You get home from work, your spouse is…

During the last market downturn, retirees who…

Running a single-person household has a unique set of..